What Quality Photos Are Important For Listings!

The reasons and how good photos help sell your house quicker and how to use the photos more effectively.

Listing photos to some may be a given and to others, you may be thinking are they really necessary, if people want to see my house they should come to look at it.

Those are valid thoughts but think about how much more excited they will be to see your house if they get a little sneak peek. Having photos of your listed home is so smart because it leaves potential buyers wanting to see more, and if you have really awesome images, they will be even more excited to come to take an in person look.

Even before they find a Realtor to work with, buyers are looking at houses online or going through model homes. The option to see more about the place without going to see it gives buyers a feeling of being the head of the game and everyone likes to feel like they are prepared.

Selling your house is a huge decision and buying one is a huge purchase. Make sure you present your house for sale in the best possible manner.

When having photos taken of your house that is for sale, think about these few things.

  1. Make sure the photos depict your home the way you view it. Clean the house, set up cute little displays on tables, make people see your house the way it looks when you are having people over for dinner.

  1. Turn all the lights on before taking photos. Having all the lights on creates a brighter, more attractive picture. This will show buyers how bright and open your house is before they come to look at it in person.

  1. If you can, have a professional take the photos! They know how to get the best angles, the best lighting to show the space, and how to edit the images without making them look fake. (NOTE: As a Realtor, I can honestly say not all of us are the best at taking house photos, these are some of the most challenging photos to get. As a designer who stages houses for photos, I can help you get the best possible listing photos with my phone or camera. Using an actual camera is better than using our phones but if we have to use our phones, make sure your agent has a program to make the photos look a little more professional but not overly photoshopped.)

  1. Don't over photoshop your photos. You want to make sure the images being shown to the world are as accurate to the space as you can. When you over-edit them, the photos tend to look worse and less appealing to buyers' eyes and you definitely do not want to do that as a seller.

  1. Take lots of photos! The more you can pre-show buyers, the more interested they will be in coming to see the house. Take pictures of the front yard, side yards, inside the house, the garage, and the backyard. Anything you can think of to photograph, do it. This helps people get a real feeling for the home and make a logical decision if they want to look at it.

The main reason behind taking amazing listing photos is that these days with everything being on the internet, buyers' first impression of your house. Make sure they are wowed from the get-go! This will help people decide if they want to see your home and you as the seller will not have a bunch of looky-loos who just want to see your house because it fits their price point. You will draw in truly interested buyers who are more likely to put an offer in after taking an in-person look.

Other reasons for taking good photos include: showing your passion for your house, looks good on your Realtor for advising you to take and have good pictures, other agents will be more intrigued to show their clients your home, new agents may feature your house as one to post on social media, and so many other reasons.

Pictures on social media are also super helpful because everyone scrolls through some form of social media. Having photos your Realtor can post and promote can help sell a house quicker than just putting them onto the MLS for other Realtors to see.

Having beautiful pictures also helps make a house for sale pamphlets or brochures to hand out to buyers at open houses or pass out around your neighborhood. This is always smart because your neighbors may have a friend or family member looking to move here and living close to someone you know takes a lot of the moving pressure and fear away. The more mouth-to-mouth chatter you can get on your house, the better, so set your neighbors up with something beautiful to show people.

Another great reason to have great photos is that many agents will make a house for sale folder for you and other Realtors to flip through when showing your house. This helps hold all the details buyers may ask and covers everything that may come up as a question. Having flyers in there for people to take with photos all over it helps buyers remember your house. Making sure people have something to take with them after viewing your home is smart to help them remember how much they loved your place at the end of their day. You never know how many houses buyers are looking at each day.

These are just a few reasons and ways to advertise your house by having listing photos. There are so many great reasons and practices to make sure your house more appealing to buyers. I would love to help you sell your home. Give me a call to find out more about how I can help you sell quickly and for top dollar. Also, I do a few things differently from other agents to help your house stand out and not cut corners on anything. Give me a call or send me a text at 480-577-4496.

I look forward to discussing with you how I can help you.

Maricopa Amy, your local real estate gal!!

Sienna Home Group

Brokered by EXP Realty



amy kopchynski


My name is Amy (Maricopa Amy) and I am a local Real Estate agent here in Maricopa AZ, I love meeting new people in the community and helping on all avenues that I can. If you need anything feel free to give me a call or message me. It doesn't have to be real estate related either, I have lived here for 14 years and know a lot about Maricopa, so if you have a question, I will have an answer. Talk to you soon.

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